Friday, June 1, 2012

Biggest Loser Week 3

Week 3 Challenges:

Part 1: Exercise for 100 minutes this week, including 30 minutes of Strength Training

Friday: 112 minutes of exercise - 82 minutes strength training. (45 min Turbo Jam (with weights) 7 min ab workout, 30 min Tae Bo (with weights), walked to and from kids school pushing stroller (30 min)
Saturday: 65 minutes of exercise (ran 6 miles in 65 min)
Sunday: I wrestled my 6 kids through 1 hour of church and then wrestled my 2 youngest for the last 2 hours of church. It made me sweat, therefore, it is exercise. ;) (FYI I didn't really count this on my total for the week)
Monday: 57 minutes of exercise - 17 minutes strength training. (Ran 4 miles in 40 min, 7 min ab workout, 10 min Tae Bo with weights)
Tuesday: 40 min of exercise - 40 minutes strength training (40 min Tae Bo with weights)
Wednesday: 41 min of exercise (Ran 4 miles in 41 min)
Thursday: 105 minutes of exercise - 35 minutes strength training (Ran 4 miles in 40 min, 20 minutes of ab workout: Abdominal 4 point draw in (2 sets of 25 reps), crunches (1 set of 30 reps), Side Bends (1 set of 20 w/ 20 lb weights), Bent Knee Hip Raises (1 set of 30 reps), Side Planks (3 sets of 12 reps), Cross Body Crunches (3 sets of 10 reps), Leg Raises (3 sets of 8 reps), Decline Crunches (2 sets of 10 reps). Then I did a 15 minute Bicep workout: Preacher Curl-Barbell (3 sets of 20 w/ 20 lbs), Close Grip EZ Bar Curls (3 sets of 10 reps w 40 lbs), Incline Inner Bicep Curls (2 sets of 15 reps w/ 20 lb weights), Concentration curls (3 sets of 10 reps w/ 10 lb weights). Then I walked to pick my kids up from school while pushing a stroller and that took me about 30 minutes of brisk walking.
Total for the week: 420 minutes of exercise and 174 minutes of strength training (49 minutes if you don't count Tae Bo or Turbo Jam with 3lb weights as REAL strength training)

Part 2: Eat 5 fruits and vegetables every day this week (any combination of fruits and veggies, just get 5 servings each day)

Friday: Raspberry Yogurt,  Apple, Green Salad, Red Pepper slices, Baby Carrots
Saturday:  Banana,  Pear, Watermelon, Baby Carrots, Lettuce & Tomato & Peppers
Sunday:  Banana, Baby Carrots, Steamed Broccoli, Red Peppers,  Apple
Monday:  Apple, Raspberry Yogurt,  Pear, Green Salad, Baby Carrots, Lettuce & Tomato
Tuesday:  Banana,  Pear, Baby Carrots, Corn, Raspberry Yogurt
Wednesday:  Banana, Baby Carrots, Red Pepper Slices, Pear, Pineapple, Tomato
Thursday: Corn, Grapes, Baby Carrots, Tomatoes, Red Peppers, Pear

It's been kind of funny to me because each week I'm not only doing these challenges but also giving myself extra challenges. For example last week I challenged myself to do more weights and started using 3 lb weights every time I did Tae Bo or Turbo Jam and doing ab workouts almost every day and I've done weights with Peter a few times and then the very next week the challenge was to do at least 30 minutes of weights for the week. And I've still been not eating after 8pm for the past few weeks and this next week that is one of the challenges. So it feels good to know that I am pushing myself in the right direction. I've been taking measurements and pictures every week after I weigh in and I've lost a 1/2 inch every week in my waist as well as 1 inch every week in my chest. I'm starting to notice pretty big difference! I'm down 24 pounds now! I'm almost at a point where I might post the pictures I've been taking (I'm wearing black leggings and a fitted black t-shirt in the pictures - no undies or nudie pix for me) We'll see!

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